
The COVID situations has taught invaluable lessons to the healthcare providers with little or no time to act. Telemedicine and usage of technology to reach everyone from anywhere is being a reality now. Eyes are the windows to the soul. In reality, the fundus image of the retina is the true reflections of the health condition of an individual. If technology can auto-diagnose the fundus images, the vision issues can be detected at an early stage and at a cheaper cost.

Dr. Sreepathi Kamath , Clinician.

Advent of Artificial Intelligence has given rise to multiple possibilities in health care sector. Usage of Al in auto detecting health conditions from Fundus Images is likely to gain momentum. Machines needs to 'learn' from the subject matter experts and be used to help the mass.Compliance to the various global regulations and testing the algorithms against large set of sample data with high accuracy rates are critical for the success of this project.

Kiran Cornello, Business Mentor.